A notícia sobre a visita do Papa que a Adventist Review publicou e tentou esconder!

Ministra da Música Adventista tocou órgão durante missa realizada pelo Papa nos Estados Unidos

A Revista Adventista em inglês publicou com euforia a notícia de que uma ministra adventista da música havia sido uma das organistas da missa ao ar livre conduzida pelo Papa Francisco na Basílica do Santuário Nacional da Imaculada Conceição, em Washington, durante sua visita aos Estados Unidos.

Joy-Leilani Garbutt é organista de duas igrejas, uma adventista e outra evangélica luterana, em Washington, mas está buscando um doutorado em musicologia na Universidade Católica da América.

A notícia de sua participação na missa papal, que reuniu mais de 25 mil pessoas foi publicada pela Adventist Review em 25 de dezembro, mas desapareceu do conteúdo online tão logo começaram a chegar mensagens indignadas de leitores adventistas que discordavam da aprovação denominacional à atitude da organista.

O texto e as ilustrações originais, com seus links, estão reproduzidos abaixo, incluindo cópia de reportagem secular sobre o caso, mencionada pela Adventist Review. O texto da Adventist Review foi apagado, mas as ilustrações da matéria permaneciam disponíveis no servidor da Adventist Review no momento desta postagem. [Vamos traduzir!]

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A CNN image showing Joy-Leilani Garbutt play the organ at the pope’s outdoor mass on Wednesday.

Adventist News:
Adventist Organist Plays for Pope During U.S. Visit

Joy-Leilani Garbutt says her ministry of music has a single goal: to praise God.

Posted September 25, 2015
By Andrew McChesney, news editor, Adventist Review

A Seventh-day Adventist organist played at Pope Francis’ first U.S. mass in what she described as her contribution toward “sharing the joy of the gospel and the love of Christ.”

Joy-Leilani Garbutt, who serves as the minister of music at an Adventist and a Lutheran church in the Washington metro area, was among four organists who participated at an outdoor mass attended by 25,000 people in Washington on Wednesday.

Garbutt, who didn’t meet the pope but used her status as a musician to fast-track tight security, called the experience “overwhelmingly positive.”

“The idea of participating in something that had at its core the purpose of sharing the joy of the gospel and the love of Christ — which Pope Francis very directly addressed — to so many people was really unforgettable,” she told the Adventist Review. “And I really do just love to play the organ, so any day I can do that is a great day.”


Joy-Leilani Garbutt, lower right, taking a break from playing at the mass. (All images courtesy of Joy-Leilani Garbutt)

Garbutt, who studied at Washington Adventist University and Harvard, received the invitation to play for the pope from The Catholic University of America, where she is pursuing a doctorate in musicology and plays the organ for the school’s Chamber Choir, directed by Leo Nestor.

“On the first day of school this semester he asked if I would like to play [for the pope] and I, of course, said, ‘Yes!’” Garbutt said.

She said she was in the right place at the right time.

“I am by no means the most talented organist in the area, but I happened to be the school choir’s organist the year that the pope happened to visit,” she said.

At the mass, Garbutt played the organ part for the “Dona Nobis Pacem” from Bach’s B minor mass and “Ecce Quam Bonum” by Richard Proulx during the prelude. Next she did a brief improvisation leading into the introit, which had been written for the Chamber Choir for the occasion. Last was a Renaissance-era piece for organ, strings, and choir during the preparation of communion.

“Sadly one of the pieces I was scheduled to play during communion got cut because time was running short,” she said.

The pre-mass rehearsals were long and under other circumstances would have felt tiring, but Garbutt said everyone’s energy and excitement was contagious. The mass itself was not particularly stressful, she said, because “being part of something bigger than yourself is one of the greatest things about making music for churches.”

“But to be perfectly honest, I had just a touch of nerves before my little improvisation,” she added. “It was absolutely quiet, which is unnerving with that many people gathered, and I had to just take a deep breath and play.”

Playing Organ for Other Leaders

Garbutt is not the first Adventist organist to play at an event attended by a prominent leader. Two Adventist organists, Yolanda Clarke and Dickie Mitchell, played at the pivotal rally where U.S. civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech to a crowd of 200,000 to 300,000 people in Washington in 1963.

Read: “Who’s That Adventist Woman Beside Martin Luther King Jr.?”

Garbutt herself played before another leader earlier this month: Adventist world church president Ted N.C. Wilson. The occasion was a Sept. 3 memorial service for Ted Wick, a longtime ADRA officer who died at the age of 78, at the Spencerville Adventist Church in Maryland.


Joy-Leilani Garbutt’s view of the pope speaking.

Garbutt’s father, Glenn Garbutt, who is also an organist, said he had long known that his daughter would play the organ but never guessed that she would play for the pope.

“For her to be able to play for the world leader of a major church is a blessing and a unique opportunity to praise the Lord across a bigger stage,” he told KMPH television news in the family’s hometown of Fresno, California.

Joy-Leilani Garbutt has longed to play the organ for as long as she can remember. One of her earliest memories is of sitting in the front pew at the Clovis Seventh-day Adventist Church in central California, watching her father or her best friend’s father play the organ.

“I always wanted to play, and as soon as I was tall enough my friend’s dad, Mr. Ed Wagner, who was the music teacher at Fresno Adventist Academy, took me on as a student,” she said. “I was probably 10 years old.”

Those years of lessons culminated with the opportunity to play during the pope’s first visit to the United States, a six-day trip that started Tuesday and includes stops in Washington, New York, and Philadelphia.

U.S. authorities have adopted heavy security measures for the pope’s stay, and Garbutt saw them first-hand when she arrived at the mass on Wednesday and found herself standing in a line “that seemed never-ending and wasn’t moving.” After waiting a few minutes, she called an assistant director for help.

“He told me to go right to the front, tell the secret service that I was a musician and that they would let me through,” she said. “And it worked!”

A Message of Love

The message that Garbutt wants to share with others through music is her praise for God.

“I really believe that it can provide a connection to the divine that can be more relevant and meaningful than any words,” she said.

Asked whether she had a favorite Bible verse that describes her experience with God through music, she immediately pointed to the six verses of Psalm 150, which in the New King James Version read:

“Praise the Lord!
Praise God in His sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty firmament!
Praise Him for His mighty acts;
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!
Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet;
Praise Him with the lute and harp!
Praise Him with the timbrel and dance;
Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes!
Praise Him with loud cymbals;
Praise Him with clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord!”

“I love this passage because it is an imperative to praise,” Garbutt said. “It does not get into the ‘why’ of it — whether God needs our praise or it is to our benefit to praise Him. It just states it as a given.”

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Fonte: http://www.adventistreview.org/church-news/story3275-adventist-organist-plays-for-pope-during-us-visit

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Veja também:

Fresno Woman Plays Organ for Pope


Wendi Lane

FRESNO, CA — Most in the massive crowd Wednesday were there to celebrate mass but a Fresno woman was there to serve at something she calls the chance of a lifetime.

Joy-Leilani Garbutt’s father says he knew early on she was meant to play the organ but never guessed one day, she would play for the pope.

She would go under her family’s piano while he would play.

Once she grew up, she played at Fresno Adventist Academy and Fresno Pacific University— and went on to achieve masters at Northwestern and Harvard.

She is currently a minister of music at two churches in Washington D.C.

She’s working on her doctorate of music at the catholic university of America, which is how she got the gig.

Joy-Leilani Garbutt said, “There was just so much wonderful energy around the event with all the great musicians gathered together with the full orchestra. There were four organists and we each had a turn playing for different parts of the mass, it was such an honor.”

Joy’s father Dr. Glenn Garbutt said, “For her to be able to play for the world leader of a major church is a blessing and a unique opportunity to praise the lord across a bigger stage.”


Sobre Max Rangel

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